Large Herkimer Diamond crystal w/ small secondary crystals attached - Penetration and bridging - Double Terminated New York Quartz DT NY USA


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This listing is for the exact Herkimer Diamond crystal shown in all 10 photos.
Authenticity is Guaranteed. This piece was found at a private claim in Fonda NY back in 2008. It weighs 99.2 grams / 496 carats and measures 60.03mm x 42.81mm x 40.83mm. This piece is technically a cluster because of the several small crystals attached to it. There are at least 10 crystals total, but several more than that which are druzy-like. The main diamond has some cracks and chipping on it. Both terminations are complete. The secondary cluster crystals have good clarity. The main crystal has many internal fractures and inclusions. It is reminiscent of crackle quartz. This piece has a good vibration. It also has some Rainbows as well. The bottom termination point is coated with a small amount of smoky druze crystals. It was a crystal just like this one, that started me on my Herkimer Diamond journey. Feel free to contact me with any questions. Metaphysical info is listed below. Thanks for looking at my listing!
As far as Metaphysical work is concerned, Herkimer Diamonds are good for Attunement~Literally, Attunement means, “To Bring into Harmony" and Herkimer Diamonds can help with this like no other Crystal...If you are Having Trouble Adjusting to a new Job or Environment,a Herkimer Diamond may be just what you need in Your Pocket or Medicine Bag... Herkimer Diamonds have been used to Stimulate the Body’s Detoxification systems, and its good Attunement or Alignment Qualities makes it Suitable for Releasing Stress and Nervous Tension. In Crystal Layouts these are said to be the Most Effective Crystals to release Energy Blockages. They are Particularly Helpful when placed between Chakras... For example, if you are having difficulty communicating with a loved one & this is affecting your relationship, you might place a Herkimer Diamond between the Heart and Throat Chakra to help open the Communication Lines again... Also, Herkimer Diamonds will Enhance,or Amplify the energy of any Crystal(s) it is placed with in a Crystal layout or Medicine Bag. One of the most striking aspects of Herkimer Diamonds is their ability to enhance Dream Recall... If you have difficulty remembering your Dreams or aren't even sure that you have them, this is said to be the Best Stone to help.However,some people find their Dreams Becoming so Vivid that they feel as if they weren't asleep at all...A Possible Solution to this problem is placing an Amethyst Crystal with the Herkimer to Buffer the Herkimers energy... You will still Clearly Remember Dreams, but will feel More Rested...Those interested in the Metaphysical may not be aware of the Unusual Scientific properties of this Quartz. Herkimer Diamonds have the ability to convert one form of energy into another, as when Pressure is applied to a Crystal, Energy is released in the form of Electrical Voltage & Heat... This is what is known as 'piezoelectric'.
...Another Quality of Herkimer Diamonds is that they Seem to have the Ability to Raise Human Energy Levels,Especially when We are Digging them up and are thus Recommended whenever you need More Cheer in your Life...

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Reviews (1)


This is the most amazing crystal and far beyond what I could have imagined. I highly recommend this shop for your crystals.

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